

  1. 活動進行時,遲到者須待適當時間方可進場。
  2. 禁止在場內進食、錄音或錄影。
  3. 不得攜帶玻璃瓶、樽裝及罐裝進場。
  4. 嚴禁在場內吸煙。
  5. 持票人須遵守張貼在館內的所有其他場館規則。
  6. 節目如有更改,恕不另行通知。


  1. 每張門票限一人使用,且需在指定時段內進場,幼童不論年齡亦需憑票入場。當日離場後可以憑手印再次入場。
  2. 門票一經出售,不得兌換現金、更改日期或退款。
  3. 嚴禁複製、複印門票,門票如遺失、損壞、盜竊等情況不再補發。
  4. 門票資料被塗改、損毀、污損或不完整,持票人禁止進場。
  5. 如場內人數眾多,大會將會實施人潮管制,即使已到達門票上列明之入場時段,持票人有機會需在場外等候安排入場。
  6. 於人潮管制期間,如入場人士已在場內逗留超過1.5小時,工作人員可要求該入場人士離場。


  1. 嚴禁攜帶危險、爆炸性物品或任何類型的武器及仿真武器道具。
  2. 禁止攜帶及使用任何攝影器材,包括但不限相機、錄影機、自拍杆、補光燈、三腳架、單腳架、GoPro及其配件、可切換式鏡頭,及其他專業攝影或錄音器材。
  3. 除導盲犬外,禁止攜帶動物入場。
  4. 嚴禁在場內展示或使用國旗、國徽、區旗及區徽或其圖案。
  5. 嚴禁在場內穿著任何有政治、種族主義或挑釁性質的服飾,及於場內展示以上性質的物品,或作出相關動作或手勢。
  6. 如任何人士違反大會守則或影響活動進行,大會有權要求該人士離場而不會作出任何賠償。
  7. 衣履不整,恕不招待。
  8. 請查閱場刊或活動網站內的各項守則及事項。
  9. 請於活動當日留意大會於社交平台發佈的即時消息。
  10. 如有任何爭議,大會保留最終決定權。

MacPherson Stadium Venue Rules:

  1. Late comers will only be admitted into the venue at suitable time.MacPherson Stadium Venue Rules:
  2. Eating, recording, or filming inside the venue is prohibited.
  3. Bottles, cans and glass containers are not permitted.
  4. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the venue.
  5. Ticket holders must comply with all other venue rules posted within the venue.
  6. Programs are subject to change without notice.

Ticket Regulations:

  1. Each ticket is valid for one person only and should be used within the designated time slot. Children of all ages, including infants, require a ticket for entry. On the same day, after leaving the venue, re-entry is allowed with a hand stamp received upon initial entry.
  2. Tickets cannot be transferred, exchanged, or refunded once purchased.
  3. Copying or reproducing tickets is strictly prohibited. Lost, damaged, stolen, or otherwise compromised tickets will not be reissued.
  4. Altered, defaced, or partially missing ticket information will result in denied entry.
  5. In case of a crowded venue, crowd control measures might be enforced. Even if the indicated entry time on the ticket is reached, ticket holders might have to wait outside before being allowed in.
  6. Attendees who have been inside the venue for over 1.5 hours may be asked to leave by the staff.

Entry Regulations:

  1. Offensive weapons, explosive items such as Fireworks, or potential weapons props is strictly prohibited.
  2. Any camera or its accessories, including selfie sticks, tripods, monopods, GoPro devices, interchangeable lenses, or other commercial recording equipment, are prohibited.
  3. No animals are allowed with the exception of assistance dogs.
  4. The display or use of the national flag, national emblem, regional flag, and regional emblem or their designs is strictly prohibited within the venue.
  5. The wearing of any attire bearing political, racist, or provocative content, as well as the display of items of such nature, or the performance of related gestures or actions within the premises, is strictly prohibited.
  6. Breaching the venue regulations or any unacceptable behaviour likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury will result in the customer being ejected from the venues and no refund will be offered.
  7. Persons not properly attired are not admitted.
  8. Refer to event brochures or the event website for additional guidelines and information.
  9. Stay updated on latest announcements from the event's SNS platform on event day.
  10. In case of disputes, the Organizer reserves the rights of final decision.